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... bohužel je venku pouze 𝛼-verze a stále nejsou dedikované servery pro tréninky ... takže počítáme dále:
Moraváci do zbraně!
... bohužel je venku pouze 𝛼-verze a stále nejsou dedikované servery pro tréninky ... takže počítáme dále:
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24/07/2023 19:26
Tak co ten DC jaký je ? 😁Dojdeme pokecat ne ? Naposledy jsem tu hrál v roce 2013 snad 😁
04/02/2023 17:31
Fungujeme jako speciálná jednotka na CRPG módu a když hrajeme siege
08/01/2023 14:32
No, jak se to vezme
Je otázka, co tím máš vlastně přesně na mysli?
07/12/2022 13:56
Hooooj, už fungujem?
04/12/2022 01:32
Moj steam 56402641
04/12/2022 01:20
04/12/2022 01:12
Nazdar lidi to je doba.. vidim ze kore je tady parada krizek taky ale martin tu neni nase mala cubka a tesik vytvoril som servery s modama na conan exiles kto si chce zahrat je to survival openw
20/08/2022 14:06
Zdaarec jakej je DC ? rád bych přišel po XX letech pokecat hodně vzpomínám na tuhle hru a na tenhle KLAN !!!
25/06/2022 11:10
Discord sever myslím máme založený nějaký, ale stejně všichni chodíme stále na team speak
22/06/2022 08:33
Čus, je hezké, že i po dlouhé době, co si vzpomenu na Warband, se tu občas objeví nějaký komentář :-) Discord zní dobře.
Viking Conquest 2.069
Moravian Warriors |
Lord_Peter, Conan, Harleqes, WildWolf, Kai, Fildas, Haman, Krizek, Kore, Kuchra, Pepa168...
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Mount & Blade Warband klan Moravian Warriors :: Off topic :: Off topic
M&B II: Bannerlord
Lord_Peter |
Přidané 03-10-2012 10:58
Administrátor Příspěvek: 1143 Založený: 22.10.10 |
Našel jsem zajímavé interview, sice starší, ale jsou tam zajímavé věci. ...remember that following questio_ns was make on April2012, than some answers in the current state should be change or completly different:... D: You have done a great job improving the combat system from M&B WB. Between the horizontal strokes of M&B and animations more elaborate WB - in which you added the possibility of kicking - there is an abyss. How are you going to do with M&B2? It will be simple evolution, or plan to totally revolutionize the system of strikes and blocks? R: We are re-doing everything again, we are not using anything from the old games. As for the game mechanics, I know for sure we are going to work on the parry system. We implemented it into the later versions of Warband. We are also rewriting all the animations for blocking, for example. Blocking was nice, but you know, was a little “blocky”, back then. There are some attacks that you can’t just stop with an upper block, you have to divert it, we are taking care of stuff like that. It’s going to be an evolution, as you said, not a revolution. The combat system is going to be essentially the same, but it’s going to be improved. A lot. We changed programming language and everything… D: And what about the module system? R: there won’t be a module system anymore. It’s going to be a lot more accessible, the whole structure of the game is being rewritten, tenths of times, for the modders to do whatever they please. We created a new game from scratches. What has started as a husband and wife project has expanded, as you know, and the new code began accumulating on top of the old code. It became a little clumsy, it is natural. Have you messed with the shader file, for example? D: I didn’t have the courage. But I remember seeing the zombie texture around the folder, a few times. R: exactly. Many things right now are hard coded, like animations, that can’t be changed without the help of a developer. You won’t have as many limitations in M&B 2. D: Regarding the map, will there be a new map? Will the world change, will it remain the same? How’s it going to be for single-player lovers? R: the game, in terms of campaign and the world itself has changed like three times from now, but we are pretty confident we are going to keep this version. Let’s just say we are going to expand what you already know about Calradia. D: You know there had been many successful modifications for the game, and one of the best known is the Strategus – cRPG, which allows the players to have some sort of multiplayer campaign. Will there be any feature like that in the game to come? R: at this stage a multiplayer, competitive or cooperative looks still pretty difficult to make. D: Warband opened a completely new market and a completely new fanbase for the M&B franchise. It also created a new genre for multiplayer games, a niche that some other software houses are trying to exploit. How is Taleworlds going to deal with the competition? R: Ah, the competition… let’s just say we’ll carry on doing what we can do best: offer some historically plausible, rock-hard gameplay. That’s what we are trying to keep for the multiplayer. D: Are you going to focus more on a more accessible playability or are you going to keep on going on the track opened by Warband? R: Of course, there won’t be anything like a Viking battling a space marine (although it would be awesome n.d.r.), but we won’t be focusing on a specific year. No French vs. English, for example. We are going to expand, stretch and bend it a little. Let’s just say that. D: still about the multiplayer, there is a diffused concern regarding TW’s support of the multiplayer community. In regards especially to “official” community sporting events, like the NC and the ENL, and in general the competitive side of the gaming. Will there be in M&B 2 a more stable and organized supports for clans, players, maps? R: we have been talking about it a lot by now. The Nations’ Cup support, or the new website, which is a little old by now, but was intended to work as some sort of portal page, where you could register your profile, your serial, see the games you owned and stuff like that. Our best effort was put in creating a stable community that supported us, and for which we could produce stuff for. We are also working on some sort of official ladder, a series of official tournaments. D: what about players IDs? Will there be a system to officially recognize player names and clans? R: we are really thinking about it, we like the idea of a player account usable for the forums, the community, the game, the data being gathered in some separate database, accessible from other computers, for example. We are working on it. D: And now for a particularly interesting point concerning the Italian community: will there be an official Italian translation? R: the only translations done until now were done by players, so probably yes. The localizations were made by players who approached us, then the translations would be revised and corrected, and finally accepted. And it is because the community OWNS the game. There have been contributions, suggestions that have been put into the game. This sense of property is maybe one of the reasons why we have such a loyal and affectionate community. D: Still, there has been a recent controversy, which can be somehow told like this: the attitude has changed a lot since the very beginnings where community-developers interaction was the norm, to this day. R: We are a lot bigger now. When I got hired first, there was five people at TW. Now we are 25. Working on a bigger, better, stronger game. We don’t really have much to show now, not just yet. There has been no official press release, you know, but the word is out there. But once we are ready to show something to you guys, we’ll get back on track, receiving millions and millions of tons of feedback and comments. We are going to get back on track. We are not a huge, faceless corporate company: the community is all we’ve got. We’ll get back on track, I promise. D: the most important questio_n of all: in M&B2 will there be dinosaurs? R: *laughs* only if you dig deep enough! D: speaking of phisics, how will the players interact with the environments in M&B2? R: It’s still very early to talk, but we would like the game environment to be interactive as much as possible. The ideal would be to have the player pick-up, destroy and throw stuff. We are rebuilding, or should I say building, a physics engine from scratches. Co si o tom myslíte? |
Kozy ne asi |
Přidané 03-10-2012 13:41
Člen Příspěvek: 271 Založený: 22.10.10 |
jj, četl jsem. Alespoň že zůstaneme v pseudohistorickym světě Calradie. A to že nepůjdou změnit animace zas taková škoda neni, nativní byly fajn.
Smrdím víc než Golfeew |
Kuchra |
Přidané 03-10-2012 19:55
Člen Příspěvek: 219 Založený: 17.09.11 |
D: the most important questio_n of all: in M&B2 will there be dinosaurs? R: *laughs* only if you dig deep enough! Challenge excepted!!! Kdo si hraje nezlobí, ale kdo hraje M&B:W je borec |
Lord_Peter |
Přidané 03-10-2012 20:17
Administrátor Příspěvek: 1143 Založený: 22.10.10 |
ono se to píše "accepted" pokud vím
Tristan |
Přidané 03-10-2012 21:16
Člen Příspěvek: 251 Založený: 30.09.11 |
Lekce angličtiny by bodla..
Upravil/a Tristan dne 03-10-2012 21:17 http://greep3r.tu... Waters of Nazareth |
BahnoCZ |
Přidané 03-10-2012 21:46
Člen Příspěvek: 199 Založený: 08.08.11 |
Kozy: Tam o tom, že by nešli změnit animace nic není. Jenom, že ve Warbandu je to dost obtížnější, a že v Bannerlordu budou mít modeři mnohem větší volnost. |
Kozy ne asi |
Přidané 03-10-2012 22:45
Člen Příspěvek: 271 Založený: 22.10.10 |
Jo vidíš to, já myslel že to myslí vzhledem k Bannerlordu, teď je mi jasný že to myslel na Warbandy, dík
Smrdím víc než Golfeew |
Kuchra |
Přidané 04-10-2012 14:06
Člen Příspěvek: 219 Založený: 17.09.11 |
Lord_Peter napsal: ono se to píše "accepted" pokud vím OMG ajo epic fail! (správně?) Kdo si hraje nezlobí, ale kdo hraje M&B:W je borec |
Tristan |
Přidané 04-10-2012 14:53
Člen Příspěvek: 251 Založený: 30.09.11 |
Ano kuchříku. Správně
http://greep3r.tu... Waters of Nazareth |
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