Mount & Blade Warband klan Moravian Warriors


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Krizek Jméno: Krizek
3 dny
Jméno: KdoToJe
9 týdny
Jméno: Bouwen
63 týdny
Jméno: Kai
82 týdny
Jméno: Ganicus
85 týdny
Jméno: Pepa168
101 týdny
Jméno: Streps
110 týdny
Jméno: Lord_Peter
116 týdny

Hosté on-line: 6

Registrovaní členové: 568
Nejnovější člen: chryskerpona1984



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Klanový prapor


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64. CZ/SK regiment Petr Bukovjan - grafik





Čekání na Bannerlorda

Od ohlášení to trvalo pouhopouhých 7 let, 186 dní a 11 hodin, ale konečně jsme se dočkali!

Moraváci do zbraně!

... bohužel je venku pouze 𝛼-verze a stále nejsou dedikované servery pro tréninky
... takže počítáme dále:




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24/07/2023 19:26
Tak co ten DC jaký je ? 😁Dojdeme pokecat ne ? Naposledy jsem tu hrál v roce 2013 snad 😁

04/02/2023 17:31
Fungujeme jako speciálná jednotka na CRPG módu a když hrajeme siege Grin

08/01/2023 14:32
No, jak se to vezme Smile Je otázka, co tím máš vlastně přesně na mysli? Grin

07/12/2022 13:56
Hooooj, už fungujem?

04/12/2022 01:32
Moj steam 56402641

04/12/2022 01:20

04/12/2022 01:12
Nazdar lidi to je doba.. vidim ze kore je tady parada krizek taky ale martin tu neni nase mala cubka Grin a tesik Grin vytvoril som servery s modama na conan exiles kto si chce zahrat je to survival openw

20/08/2022 14:06
Zdaarec jakej je DC ? rád bych přišel po XX letech pokecat Smile hodně vzpomínám na tuhle hru a na tenhle KLAN !!!

25/06/2022 11:10
Discord sever myslím máme založený nějaký, ale stejně všichni chodíme stále na team speak Grin

22/06/2022 08:33
Čus, je hezké, že i po dlouhé době, co si vzpomenu na Warband, se tu občas objeví nějaký komentář :-) Discord zní dobře.

Viking Conquest 2.069

  {STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/1392312/dc16b91a72bd083c00b02309a5516eebedbe31a8.png Viking Conquest 2.069 is live! Server admins and modders can access the latest files on our website here. PATCH NOTES (2.069) Restored the player's ability to make peace. zobrazit celý dev blog


Moravian Warriors

Lord_Peter, Conan, Harleqes, WildWolf, Kai, Fildas, Haman, Krizek, Kore, Kuchra, Pepa168...

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Moravian Warriors

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Klanová bitva

SRAZ NA TS V 19:00.

Na sobotu 14. července ve 20:00 našeho času je domluven clan-war s eu klanem Vikings of Niflheim. Hraje se 10 vs 10 - nejvýše 4 střelci. Účast potvrzujte ve fóru ZDE (vyžaduje přihlášení). Více info tamtéž.

Další údaje budou doplněny.


#1 | Pepa168 dne July 13 2012 22:54:57
Když tak budu si střelec ...
#2 | Lothar dne July 13 2012 23:30:48
Já se nemůžu zúčastnit v sobotu nebudu od 7 doma
#3 | nanimu dne August 09 2012 09:11:00
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#4 | Corhax dne August 17 2012 03:25:27
Uz to nehul nanimu...
#5 | tboyhanka dne August 23 2012 04:41:26
Tony Scott never was in the running for an Oscar, and critics often slammed his movies for his hyper-kinetic style and an emphasis Cartier Replica on style over substance.
Still, he was the first of the Scott brothers to enjoy blockbuster success with "Top Gun," the top-grossing film of 1986 at $176 million. Scott teamed with Cruise again four years later on the hit "Days of Thunder," and Omega Replica Watches he made five films with Washington, including "Man on Fire," ''Deja Vu" and "The Taking of Pelham 123."
Other Scott films include "True Breitling Replica Romance," written by Quentin Tarantino, "The Fan," with Robert De Niro, and "Enemy of the State," starring Will Smith.
While Ridley Scott had an auspicious start to his film career with 1977's acclaimed period drama "The Duellists" and 1979's "Alien," Tony Scott Cartier Love Bracelet bombed with his debut, 1983's supernatural romance "The Hunger," with David Bowie and Catherine Deneuve.
He vaulted into Hollywood's top ranks the next time out, with "Top Gun," followed a year later by "Beverly Hills Cop II," both with producer Jerry Bruckheimer.
The two brothers ran Scott Free Productions
Cartier Ballon Bleu and were working jointly on a film called "Killing Lincoln," based on the best seller by Bill O'Reilly. Along with countless commercials, their company produced the CBS dramas "NUMB3RS" and "The Good Wife" as well as a 2011 documentary about the Battle of Gettysburg for the History Channel.
Tony Scott said he gained perspective by mixing things up between film, TV and commercials.
"I like changing the pace Chanel Replica Watches of my life, changing my discipline," he said in a 2007 interview. "It gives me ideas for how to see the world differently."

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